Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Hello everyone, I am here today in beautiful downtown San Diego. One could not ask for a more beautiful setting. I am here to document and photograph the National Veterans Summer Sports Clinic (NVSSC). The NVSSC features veterans with various disabilities who are participating in activities such as: kayaking, surfing, cycling, sailing, rowing and track & field. These games are designed to help the veterans with rehabbing their bodies as well as their minds. The games focus on retraining the body to overcome your physical disabilities, by combining physical therapy with recreational therapy. The games are fun for both the veterans competing and the many volunteers that are here to assist them in their day-to-day events.

Watching these veterans compete is proof that we can overcome any challenges that we face. We need to stay focused and determined to not feel sorry for ourselves, but to be thankful for still being able to enjoy life. Being at these events makes me more determine to take on life’s many challenges and believe that with steadfast determination we can all make it.

1 comment:

  1. Very inspiring! I look forward to hearing more about how this helps with your design career. I find that moments like those help me with making life decisions, because I realize how blessed people are, and why you shouldn't give up!
